75+ Coordinator – Mel Franz
The Senior 75+ League is not a function of the EVSTL but is a separate league comprised of teams from EVSTL member clubs. The league will start the week following the start of EVSTL play in November. A minimum of 6 men and 4 ladies are needed to form a team. The league organizing committee will evaluate the possibility of expansion to include more clubs and teams to start in January. New clubs and teams must be able to provide court time to support 5-6 matches on Saturdays. Clubs and players that are not part of the schedule to start play in November but who may want to play may contact member clubs to substitute or play on a regular basis.
All league players, including subs, must be a minimum age of 75 sometime during the season. Players may play regular EVSTL and Senior 75+ League at the same time. A substitution list will be maintained by each team. Team captains may utilize players from any club to supplement their teams if their own team does not have a sufficient number of players for a match. Players 2.0 to 4.0 are eligible, although 2.0 players must have had prior league experience at 2.5 level or higher, be knowledgeable, experienced players and not beginners.
The league schedule is published in late October to begin the week following the start of EVSTL league play. All play is on Saturdays. Clubs may schedule around invitationals, and other special events. Each host team will provide court time to support 5-6 matches to be played, and will provide new balls for the matches.
Matches will include mens, ladies, and perhaps mixed doubles. Captains will arrange for parity between teams to insure a fun, social tennis experience with competitive matches. If matches are not balanced, players may change partners to achieve parity. The match format will be the same as for EVSTL matches. Second deuce as game point is used due to time limitations. Captains will seed players according to ability, with higher rated players playing seed one or two, and others according to ability to provide for a competitive match.
No records, statistics or league standings will be maintained. Snacks will not be provided although players may bring snacks if desired.